
New pets


 i bought it two,,the white one is "snow white" species - c ,,i called WANG WANG 
and the blue one is FAROH "blue lobster" species - p (now,,FAROH it dead) TT
they eat only once a day , it easy to pet...


A good thing never ends

Hi ;) for the first time. My name is First. this is my first ever blog,,

I took this photo last week when raining and I didn't know what else to do..
i really love this photo. it's not the best picture but i feel proud of myself because I did a great job in photoshop Really!! lol ^^

Now ,,It's a quarter past one, I'm all alone Really TT~ 
This is the life of a single girl!!. lol 

Quote of the day comes from my friend  Aoii  say ; " First ,you look like Panadda wa!!. = =;
hahaha I'm Sry that I look like you  Panadda. 
I know of her. But I've never seen her before. 
All that you see here is me  jaa ;D

Also,I apologize in advance if i use the langues incorrectly Sorry ;(

Andy,,I reallyThank you for everything na ka ;D